This graph displays the gas prices in 3 boroughs in New York city per gallon. All three boroughs have a similar range but the trend shows that Bronx has the highest price in gas despite having the lowest population. The effect of having to pay more for gasoline despite being the lowest populated. support the idea that both boroughs nearby spend less money on gas therefore may be marginally richer to spend on other things.
These stats about gas price difference in the boroughs is really interesting especially since you bring up how the Bronx has the highest prices but the smallest population.
This reminds me of supply and demand where the prices can vary based on demands.
Gas prices are way up, it’s crazy. Of course everything is more expensive in New York. Good stuff.
I was having tech issues and could not see the graph. However, the issue of gas prices is on everyone’s minds and it’s a topic that I’m glad you discussed.
It makes sense to me that the lower population would have higher gas prices, as less people are buying and gas companies need to upcharge to make money. I also feel like public transportation has an effect on this data.