Sustainable Fishing

When it comes to the fishing industry there are a lot of issues of sustainability. Whether it is in the catch size, techniques used, areas fished in, or bycatch. Bycatch is the accidental catching of the not target species. In most cases, these marine life forms are often killed before they can be released back into the ocean. Bycatch poses another major issue within the already difficult overfishing problem.

This graph is based on data from the FOA regarding catch sizes between the years 1950 and 2018. This graph shows the growth trend of the fishing industry and as more sustainable attitudes developed a slower decrease in catch size in the more recent years. The lowest catch was in 1950 with about 250,000, the highest being in 2002 with catch sizes around 850,000. The size eventually drops down to about 680,000 in 2018. Based on this larger drop in 2018 and information from the NOAA and FOA this number aims to be lowered even more. Protecting marine populations will increase the likelihood that these populations can survive and repopulate in order to sustain future generations.


23 thoughts on “Sustainable Fishing

  1. Many people all over the world depend on fish as a resource and it is interesting to see these statistics because it’s definitely not something I think about or am informed on.

  2. This was great, Thank you for sharing this. Protecting marine has been taken initiative for in many carribean areas. On my trip to the Bahamas we created a project called the hope spot and tried to enforce regulations with some being strict No Take Areas where fishing is prohibited, and others regulating the amount of fish and/or other natural resources taken.

  3. I’m glad that you addressed the issues of the fishing industry and the many downsides that they have when it comes to sustainability. This was a really good graph to see the extent that which we are abusing the global fish as a resource.

  4. This is such a large issue that isn’t really talked about! I know a lot of awareness was brought to this topic after Seaspiracy came out. I think another element that makes this issue so devastating is the fact that it is hard to enforce fishing laws

  5. You’ve highlighted an important and concerning aspect of the fishing industry. Sustainability is indeed a significant challenge within the industry, encompassing various issues such as catch size, fishing techniques, areas fished in, and particularly, bycatch.
    To combat this issue, it is essential for stakeholders in the fishing industry to prioritize sustainable practices and find innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of bycatch. This includes the implementation of selective fishing gear, improvements in fishing methods, and the establishment of protected areas for vulnerable species.
    In conclusion, the fishing industry faces significant challenges in terms of sustainability, including the critical issue of bycatch. However, by prioritizing sustainable practices and working towards innovative solutions, we can move towards a more environmentally conscious and responsible fishing industry. Thank you for inviting me to do my discussion post, and I hope this response helps contribute to the conversation on this important topic.

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  9. Hunting is my passion and brings me a lot of pleasure and adrenaline. Every time I go hunting, I feel an indescribable feeling of freedom and harmony with nature. The moments spent waiting for the catch fill me with excitement and delight. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the mountains, forest or marshy area – every hunt brings new impressions and encounters.

  10. Fishing is my refuge, a place where I find peace and harmony with nature. Every time I sit down by a pond with a fishing rod in my hands, I feel free and happy. This is the time when I can completely surrender to the meditative process of fishing, forgetting about all my worries and problems. I enjoy the smallest moments: the sounds of nature, fresh air and silence around me. Fishing is not just a hobby, it is a way to relax and enjoy the wonderful moments of life.

  11. When night falls and nature takes on a mysterious atmosphere, my passion for fishing only intensifies. Night fishing is a very special experience, full of mystery and excitement. The dark waters of a lake or river seem to invite me into their domain, anticipating a meeting with the mysterious inhabitants under water. I set up my gear, prepare my lures, and head out into the darkness, where every movement and sound becomes especially significant. Night fishing is a unique way to connect with nature and enjoy the moment when the world stands still waiting for your catch.

  12. In winter, fishing becomes a real challenge. Cold winds pierce to the bones, and the icy waters seem endlessly frozen. My fishing rod loses its magic when frost freezes in the air and the fish go into the depths to seek warmth and peace. My fingers are frozen, and even the most carefully selected bait is unable to attract the fish to the surface. In winter, nature enters a state of sleep and fishing becomes an ordeal, reminding us to respect its rhythms and cycles.

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