There are many forms of non fossil-fuel based energy. But, for this post I will be specifically looking at wind energy. In order to understand wind energy, it is important to first understand wind. When the sun unevenly heats the Earth, that is when wind is created. Wind can then be used to create energy. Knowing this, wind energy is sustainable energy. It will continue to be a sustainable source of energy for as long as the sun continues to shine. Wind energy is caught by the giant windmills, called wind turbines, that tower over 100 feet in the air. Sometimes, the wind turbines work by themselves or they can also be connected to power grids or a solar cell system. When there is a decent amount of wind turbines clustered together it is called a wind plant, however only a handful of electricity providers use these wind plants to provide power for their customers.
Across the United States, there are 41 states have wind plants which have developed more than 100,000 jobs for American citizens. In fact, a wind turbine technician is one of the fastest growing jobs in America. It’s important to note that the wind industry is still growing and is nowhere near its peak. The most common use of wind turbines that are stand alone is to pump water. However, farmers could also use standalone wind turbines, as well as homeowners. When it comes to wind power, it is cost effective as it only costs “1–2 cents per kilowatt-hour after the production tax credit” ( Lastly, the newly developing wind industry equals annual investments of over 10 billion dollars into the United States economy. This shows the promise and potential that the wind industry, as well as wind energy has.
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This was super interesting to read about, and I really enjoyed learning about wind power. I think wind turbines are a super viable source of energy, and they are probably the form of alternative, sustainable energy I am most familiar with given that my dad studied them and I grew up around a lot of wind turbine systems.
I love wind man, it’s powerful and feels good during the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons. It’s a good form of renewable energy. The only problem is, what happens if the wind doesn’t blow strong enough for a long period of time? Good work man.
This was a great read about wind power. I like that you brought in the economic benefits of getting wind power. The fact that “wind turbine technician is one of the fastest growing jobs in America” seems really amazing to me.