3 sustainable initiatives

3 ways that I contribute to sustainable initiatives daily is:

1. Through sustainable water bottle use

2. Using thrift, gift, or hand-me-down clothing

3. Using the search engine Ecosia

A few specs that I found on the amount of water thrifting saves on one shirt: 710 gallons of water per shirt thrifted according to stacker.com who uses the census statistics and bureau of labor statistics as their sources. According to the water bottle filling station nearest my dorm, our floor has saved 12000 plastic water bottles. Ecosia reports that it uses all of its revenue from donations and searches approx. € 2.2 million towards restoring land in Brazil, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia since 2009.
By developing Ecosia into a more robust search engine with quicker and more accurate results sustainable initiatives at least from a conservation and restoration perspective can grow exponentially if larger browsing companies absorb and utilize the infrastructure and their profits accordingly

100 thoughts on “3 sustainable initiatives

  1. this is really useful information, and made me think about a lot especially how I use plastic water bottles and trying to reduce my eco footprint!