Global Awareness is a capacity that incorporates the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for a person to competently and perceptively navigate the challenges and opportunities of a globalized world in a way that promotes the greater good. When thinking of global awareness there are 5 themes that may contribute to a better outcome. That includes perspective consciousness, state-of-the-planet awareness, cross-cultural awareness, knowledge of global dynamics, and awareness of human choices. The one that: out to me the most was cross-cultural awareness because I believe that It is hoped that learning about sustainability from the perspectives of people in different countries in an experiential setting may help people gain a broader understanding of the challenges facing the world. Nonetheless, global awareness is very important considering that people like ourselves are that are affecting our planet. With that being said if we are not cognizant of our actions that may or may not affect our environment then It will become nearly impossible for us to reflect and aim for a better goal. With that at being said global awareness must be the first act to create change. The main idea of this course is a way to reach sustainability and decrease the use of carbon emissions. We have incorporated data based on ecological footprints and bad habits that create an impact on the environment. As a population, we are very dependent on fossil fuels. “The United States gets 81% of its total energy from oil, coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels.” This knowledge is relevant and considering how damaging fossil fuels are to the environment we decrease that number substantially before is too late.
The part where you talked about how we have to be aware of how our actions affect the environment to figure out how to make a change really stood out to me, as I feel like many people, myself included, are aware of some actions they do regularly that aren’t the best for the environment, but as we can identify these issues, we must also find a way to fix them for our planet.
This was a great blog post, I liked how you went into detail on the importance of global awareness.