Reed Karaska

Hello everyone my name is Reed Karaska and I am a senior majoring in History from Nuangola, Pennsylvania. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my buddies. When I’m outside I enjoy running and fishing. When I’m inside I enjoy playing video games, the guitar, and watching Netflix. I grew up on a small lake in northeastern Pennsylvania and am interested in the applications of sustainability for this reason. I have seen so many different forms of wildlife in and around my home growing up that sustainability and its practice has been a regular thought of mine over the years. I’m looking forward to a great term learning the math behind sustainability with the goal of developing a greater appreciation for it.

13 thoughts on “Reed Karaska

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  4. Hello Reed Karaska! It’s great to learn about your interests and background in this engaging article. As a senior majoring in History from Nuangola, Pennsylvania, your passion for sustainability seems to be deeply rooted in your experiences growing up near a small lake in northeastern Pennsylvania. Your exposure to diverse forms of wildlife has undoubtedly shaped your perspective on the importance of sustainability.

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