Posted on Sep 8, 1995

The Chronicle will be published biweekly starting this fall with a
renewed emphasis on coverage of items that interest members of the Union campus community.

The move to biweekly publication represents an effort to move toward
coverage of longer-range news events and Union community news. The move also is due in
part to longer lead times required by off-campus printers.

A separate campus calendar will be published by the Office of Special
Events, Conferences and Professional Development.

The Chronicle will continue to publish news about faculty, student and
staff achievements; special events; gifts; personnel news; and sports scores. Also,
beginning this fall on a space-available basis, the Chronicle will begin publishing
non-College information of interest to Union employees. These could include
“classifieds” like computers for sale or want ads, for example.

Publication dates this fall are Sept. 8, Sept. 22, Oct. 6, Oct. 30 and
Nov. 3.

Deadlines are Monday at 5 p.m. preceding the publication date.
Information should be sent to the Chronicle at the Office of Public Relations. Our e-mail
address is