Posted on Sep 22, 1995

Committees have been formed to review the tenurability of three faculty members:
Alan Bowman, assistant professor, Graduate Management Institute; Andrew Feffer, assistant
professor of history; and Suthathip Yaisawarng, assistant professor of economics.

Members of the College community may submit information on each candidate's teaching,
scholarship or College service to members of the review committees.

For Bowman, committee members are Julius Barbanel, committee chair, mathematics; Donald
Arnold, GMI; Harold Fried, Economics; and Brenda Wineapple, English. For Feffer, members
are Adrian Frazier, committee chair, English; Steven Berk, history; Susan Niefield,
mathematics; and Martin Strosberg, GMI. For Yaisawarng, members are David Hayes, committee
chair, chemistry; Sharon Gmelch, anthropology; James Kenney, economics; and Jan Ludwig,

Professional review committees have been formed to evaluate the performance of Pat
Adams, acquisitions and periodicals librarian; and Li Shan, catalog librarian; both of
Schaffer Library.

Members of the College community may comment on their professional performance,
professional development, scholarship or community service by contacting a member of the

For Adams, committee members are Jean Sheviak, committee chair, ext. 6621; Annette
LeClair; Cara Molyneaux and John Marincola. For Shan, members are Annette LeClair, chair,
ext. 6631; Mary Cahill, and Ellen Fladger.