Posted on Nov 1, 1995

President Hull congratulates Mike and Helen Yulman at the dedication of the Yulman Theater

Union alumni and friends turned the Bicentennial into an extraordinary year for the Performing Arts at the College. Starting on a Saturday evening in May and ending seven weeks later, during Reunion Weekend, the College:

Dedicated and opened the Morton '36 and Helen Yulman Theater, capping off a $5.2 million funding drive and 18 month construction project. The Yulman Theater provides the first home specifically designed by the College to house drama faculty and the Mountebanks, and to stage theater performances.

Launched a new era in dance at Union through an “Evening with Edward Villella before a sold-out crowd in Memorial Chapel. The evening was sponsored by Charles Lothridge '44. Lothridge has provided over $100,000 to fund
a juried competition and provide direct support for dance instruction at the College.

Prof. Hugh Allen Wilson leads The Glee Club at ReUnion

Established the High Allen Wilson endowment for choral music. The endowment, a gift of Peter Brayton '72, Donald Foley '73, Glenn Wolfson '77 and others was a surprise, presented to Prof. Wilson in front of another Memorial Chapel full house at the Bicentennial Glee Club/Choir Reunion concert.