The College's Educational Studies program has received three grants totaling $313,000 in support of professional development programs for area teachers.
$198,000 from Goals 2000 (a Federal program), a one-year grant for professional development of 35 math, science and technology teachers, grades 5 through 9. The program includes summer training in subject matter, pedagogy and technology.
$95,000, also from Goals 2000, a professional development grant for the Master of Arts in Teaching program and 17 Mohonasen teachers, grades 7-12.
$20,000 from NYNEX Foundation for professional development for 12 Schenectady teachers in science, math and technology integration in grades K-4.
Educational Studies is in the last year of a $195,000 two-year grant from the General Electric Fund for professional development for science, math and technology teachers in
grades 5 through 9.