Brenda Wineapple, Washington Irving Professor of Modern Literary and Historical Studies, has recently published an essay, “Two: Methodology and Dual Biography,”
in Biography (Vol. 2) edited by Frederick J. Karl. The volume consists of two essays by nationally-known biographers on their work, and Wineapple discusses Sister Brother
Gertrude and Leo Stein, to be published April 16 by G. P. Putnam's.
Robert Sharlet, professor of political science, who has returned from a two-year leave with the Rule of Law Consortium in Washington, recently chaired a panel at the 1995 National Slavic Conference. He also gave two presentations on the Russian parliamentary elections at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, spoke on the Rule of Law
at the Heritage Foundation, and edited and contributed to the first three issues of the Rule of Law Consortium Newsletter in the Consortium's progress in assisting law reform in Russia and the Newly Independent States. The newsletter included contributions from the chief justice of the Russian and Ukrainian high courts, as well as from distinguished post-Soviet and American law professors.
John Sowa, professor of chemistry, has been acting chapter representative of the Capital District Chapter of the Brain Injury Association of New York State. He co-chaired
an art exhibit of works by people with brain injuries at the Empire State Plaza. He is to serve as master of ceremonies for “Skills for Success: A Conference for Educators,
Families and Professionals” on March 6 at the Amsterdam Holiday Inn. He also is scheduled to speak on “Traumatic Brain Injury” at events in Johnstown, West Sand
Lake and Mechanicville.