Posted on May 10, 1996

With presentations ranging from cloning of a putative enclonuclease to children's understanding of sarcasm, scarcely a topic, it seems, will be untouched at the end of this year's Steinmetz Symposium on Friday.

Steinmetz this year will celebrate the creative, scholarly and research achievements of more than 200 students. Presentations will take place in four sessions beginning at 1 p.m.

And on Saturday, the College will recognize the achievements of more than 100 students
at Prize Day at 11 a.m. in Memorial Chapel. There will be a President's reception before
the ceremony, beginning at 9 a.m. in Library Plaza.

Schedules for Steinmetz and Prize Day events will be available in Reamer Campus Center
atrium on Friday afternoon.

The symposium is named for Charles Proteus Steinmetz, professor and head of electrical
engineering and applied physics at Union from 1902 to 1923. A world famous scientist, he
also was known as the “Electrical Wizard” of General Electric.