Homecoming and Parents' Weekend will be celebrated jointly on Oct. 25 through 27. Events are detailed in a brochure from Annual Giving and Alumni Programs and the Dean of Students Office. For more information, call ext. 6168 or ext. 6116.
The Wihan String Quartet will perform a program of music by Haydn, Janacek and Dvorak tonight, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. in Memorial Chapel. The concert, part of the Schenectady
Museum-Union College chamber series, is $12 ($6 for students).
The Union College Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Prof. Tim Olsen, will perform
works by jazz greats Dizzy Gillespie, Sonny Rollins, Hoagy Carmicheal and others on Friday,
Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. in the Reamer Campus Center Auditorium. The concert also will
feature original works and arrangements by Olsen.
John Garver, associate professor of geology, will deliver a faculty colloquium on
“The Geology of Kamchatka, Russia, and the Status of the Geosciences in Russia”
on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 4:30 p.m. in the Reamer Campus Center Auditorium.