The real truth is that both annual and capital gifts play important roles in helping to maintain and enhance Union's financial strength.
Annual fund dollars, whether given as highly flexible unrestricted support, or in support of a specific purpose or academic discipline, have immediate impact as current, spendable income that helps Union maintain a strong track record of balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility. Annual fund gifts help to support people and programs across campus.
Capital gifts also support people and programs across campus, but in different ways. Capital gifts build and renovate the College's buildings (like Schaffer Library and the Nott Memorial) and build the College's endowment (with endowed scholarships and professorships), allowing Union to chart a course for financial stability and responsibility far into the future.
In calculating the present participation rates for each class, we take into account both annual and capital donors. An individual who makes both an annual and a capital gift (as a growing number of Union alumni are choosing to do) counts once in the calculation of percent participation ' by class.
Whatever your choice, thank you for your generous support of Union. Your support counts in myriad ways!!