Phase I of the renovation and expansion of Schaffer Library is to begin by month's end with the demolition of the 1974 wing at the building's east side, according to
William Shafer, capital projects and construction manager.
Equipment and supplies will be brought to the site starting in mid-January.
For several weeks after the demolition of the 1974 addition — between mid-February and
mid-March — new piles will be driven to depths of 25 feet, an operation that is expected
to create noise audible on most parts of campus and perhaps in nearby neighborhoods. That
work will be restricted to weekdays between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Shafer said.
The area between Alumni Gymnasium and Schaffer Library will be closed to pedestrians to
allow access for equipment and supplies. The staging area east of the library will be
enclosed by a construction fence. Construction vehicles are to use the Union Avenue gate
(which will remain open). There will be a wheel washing station just inside the College
grounds where truck drivers will rinse mud and debris from their trucks before entering
city streets, Shafer said.