Hudson Valley Community College and Union have become partners in a new transfer articulation agreement signed by Stephen M. Curtis, president of HVCC, and President Roger H. Hull on April 7.
The agreement guarantees admission to Union for graduates of Hudson
Valley's new Liberal Arts Honors Program in which students take a broad set of
courses in the liberal arts and also complete a series of interdisciplinary seminars.
“HVCC's Liberal Arts Honors Program is well suited for
students who plan to enter Union because of its similarity to Union's General
Education curriculum,” said Bradley Lewis, associate dean for undergraduate education
at Union.
Students may choose from two options within the agreement. The first
option offers qualified high school seniors joint admission to the HVCC Liberal Arts
Honors Program and to Union, conditional on their successful completion of the Honors
Program in two years. The second option guarantees qualified graduates of the HVCC Liberal
Arts Honors Program admission to Union with junior status and with most of Union's
core curricular requirements satisfied.