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Frank Studer, Professor of Physics, Mourned

Posted on Apr 18, 1997

Frank J. Studer, who taught physics at Union from 1930 to 1943 and then served as a research professor at the College, died March 29 in Bethesda, Md. He was 96.

The Gordon Gould '41 professorship in physics, established in 1995,
honors Studer. Gould, who discovered the basic concepts of the laser, established the
professorship to honor Studer, who he says “inspired a love of physics.”

A graduate of the University of British Columbia, Studer received a
master's degree from University of Washington and Ph.D. from the University of
Wisconson. After 15 years of teaching at Union, Studer left the College to work at the
General Electric Co.'s Research and Development Laboratory, where he developed
advances in the light measurement field until retirement in 1966.

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College Ranked As ‘Wired’ by Internet Magazine

Posted on Apr 18, 1997

The College was ranked 49th among the most wired campuses, according to a magazine ranking of how colleges and universities use computers and the

The May issue of Yahoo! Internet Life lists 100 institutions based on a survey of 300 of the most wired schools, a list that was culled from an initial review of about 4,000 campuses.

The survey addressed 35 factors in four categories: use of the Internet for academics accounted for 45 percent; social uses, and hardware and wiring, 22.5 percent
each; and student services, 10 percent.

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Coming Events

Posted on Apr 18, 1997

Thursday, April 24, 7:30 p.m., Nott Memorial. Sarah Jordan of
Albion College speaks on “A Country So Immersed in Rudeness and Barbarity: Africa
through the Eighteenth Century Prism.” Her talk is an accompanying lecture to
“Africa in the European Imagination,” an exhibit of illustrations depicting
European perceptions of Africa from the 16th through 18th centuries in the Nott's
Mandeville Gallery.

Friday, April 25, 8 p.m., Memorial Chapel. The Emerson String
Quartet, a long-time favorite of the Schenectady Museum-Union College chamber concert
series, is back for their 13th appearance. The program will be in honor of the Franz
Schubert Bicentennial.

Thursday, May 1, 4:30 p.m., Reamer Campus Center Auditorium. Mark
Walker, associate professor of history, delivers a faculty colloquium titled “One
Scientist's Journey from Nazism to Communism (Friedrich Moeglich).” Coffee and
tea will be at 4 p.m.

Thursday, May 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Reamer Campus Center Atrium. The
annual health fair will include blood pressure screening and information from a number of
area health care organizations. For more information, call ext. 6161.

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Jessica Bernstein Using Watson to Tell Stories of Women in Tae Kwon Do

Posted on Apr 18, 1997

Two seniors – Jessica Bernstein and Zane Riester – this year bring to 42 the number of Union students who have won Watson Fellowships since the program began in 1969. Bernstein's Watson is profiled below. Riester, who plans to
study architectural similarities between Renaissance churches and beaux-arts train stations in Italy, France and the U.K., will be featured in the next issue.

Jessica Bernstein '97 never thought her formidable skill in Tae
Kwon Do
would do her much good in an interview. But there she was, in front of the
Watson committee, performing a series of kicks and punches.

Her demonstration of the ancient Korean martial art — combined with
her thoughtful analysis of its meaning for women in modern culture — has earned her a
Thomas J. Watson Travelling Fellowship. Starting in August, she will use the $18,000
fellowship to study female Tae Kwon Do artists in South Korea, Great Britain and Norway.

“I want to find out what these women's stories are, how Tae
Kwon Do is helping them in their lives, how they are training, what their goals are,”
said Bernstein, a philosophy major. “The web of communication in women's Tae
Kwon Do is not established at all. I just want to put together a piece of literature
releasing these women's voices so that someone who has the same questions I have can
find out something about it.”

Among her questions, Bernstein said she wants to find out why so few
women practice Tae Kwon Do, why so few attain levels of authority in the sport, and what
draws women into the sport. Bernstein, a first-degree black belt who hopes one day to
become an instructor, said she also wants to learn how westernization and competition have
affected the 2,000-year-old art form.

As a teenager competing in Junior Olympic national tournaments across
the country, she witnessed political clashes between organizations, disagreements between
instructors, and parents who protest referee decisions. She also found what she thinks is
a product-driven approach – “belt factories” that accelerate students
through the ranks.

She also has found that a lot of schools are using fear to draw women
into classes. “Self defense is an aspect of Tae Kwon Do, but it's not the most
important thing that women can gain from it,” she said. “There's a whole
other spiritual side of it that is very empowering.”

During her Watson fellowship, she will spend 6 months in South Korea,
where she will visit a Buddhist temple that is a shrine to Tae Kwon Do statuary and a
number of the 1,100 institutes that teach the martial art. She will then spend three
months in England, observing women Tae Kwon Do artists in a western country. She will
spend the last three months of the fellowship in Norway, a country whose progressive and
liberal views will provide an interesting contrast, she said.

While at Union, Bernstein has been active in Mountebanks, Big
Brothers/Big Sisters, Literacy Volunteers, rugby and WRUC. She took a term abroad in
Israel in 1995.

“I knew that I wanted to apply for the Watson and that it had to be
a good idea,” she said. “So rather than search outside of myself, I looked at my
personal experience in Tae Kwon Do and the questions that I've wanted to

“It's a beautiful and amazing art form,” she continued,
“As a personal agenda, when I teach Tae Kwon Do, I want to be the best teacher that I
can be.”

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At Swimming Nationals — Women 10th, Men 4th; Koenig Adds More Honors

Posted on Apr 4, 1997

It took just two of Union's women swimmers – Jackie Crane '97 and Meg McCarthy '98 – to put the College on the national swimming map recently in the Division III NCAA national meet. The pair combined to score 97 points to bring Union to a 10th place finish of 56 teams. Meanwhile, the men's team finished fourth at their national meet with 283 points. Brian Field '98 finished
second in the one-meter dive, and fourth in the three-meter event. In hockey, goalie Trevor Koenig '98 adds yet another honor to the list, being named a first-team East
Region All-American. The three-time ECAC Player of the Week set a league record for consecutive shutout minutes (198:44) and a nation-best goals against average (2.03) in
helping Union to an 11-8-3 league record and a school record 18 season wins.

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