Posted on Jul 1, 1997

In April, more than sixty alumni, parents, and friends of Union joined Karen Jason '85 and Robert Israel '85 at the hit
off-Broadway show of “I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change.”

Karen's husband, Jonathon Pollard, is one of the producers of this hilarious musical revue. Karen, Rob, and Jonathon joined the Union family at a reception after the performance.

The event followed a meeting in March in which Steve Karotkin '73 welcomed nearly seventy alumni, parents, and friends to the General Motors Building to discuss the direction for the Greater New York City Club. The following have taken on leadership roles:

Lee Popper '94; president; Ruth Allen Cox '88, vice president/co-social and cultural chair; Neil Schwartz '77, co-social and cultural chair; Rob Danziger '89, networking events chair; Lyall Dean '43, educational events chair; Dawn Grande '95, club communication/co-young alumni events chair; and Susan (Gray) Maier '94, co-young alumni events chair.

If you are interested in getting involved or have suggestions for events, either in New York or at other alumni clubs across the country, please contact Joe Finocchiaro in the Annual Giving and Alumni Programs Office at (518) 388-6168 or email at