Posted on Jul 1, 1997

A number of students received special recognition at Prize Day in May for their academic achievements, community and college service, and athletics. Altogether, more than 100 prizes were awarded. Two who received multiple honors were:

Carmen McMurtry, a senior mechanical engineering major, received the Bailey Prize for the greatest service to the College in any field; the Warner King Prize for contributions to the
traditions and ideals of the College; and the Mortimer F. Sayre Prize for the senior with the best potential for furthering the ideals of the mechanical engineering profession.

She plans to enter a post-baccalaureate program at Bryn Mawr College to catch up on courses she needs to enter medical school and become a doctor.

Meredith Miller, a senior English and arts major, received the Josephine Daggett Prize for citizenship and character, the President's Commission on the
Status of Women Community Service Award, and the Meritorious Service Award, voted by the Student Affairs Council. A member of the Campus Action Board, she worked to coordinate political groups on campus and in the region, and she provided workshops on sexuality, racism, and multiculturalism to Union resident assistants. She plans to attend Brooklyn Law School.