Jan. 21, 1998
Members present: Professors L. Stanhope, (Chair) S. Gmelch, S.
Greenberg, S. Leavitt, B. MacDonald, F. Milillo, J. Schmee; Students S. Carrier, S.
Ex Officio: L. Cool, Dean of Faculty
D. Hannay, Acting Dean of Engineering
B. Lewis, Assoc. Dean, Undergrad. Educ.
1. The minutes of Jan. 14, 1998 were approved.
2. Linda Stanhope presented the revised “Charge to the Subcouncil
on Tenure Lines.” It was discussed with respect to immediate needs and long-term
needs of the College. The possible criterion of “current health of departments”
was discussed. It was decided that the subcouncil be called “The Ad Hoc Subcouncil on
Tenure Line Allocation” and that the charge should emphasize the need for data
gathering from departments. Linda Stanhope will revise the charge.
3. The AAC heard from the Acting Dean of Engineering about EER 100 and
will hear further about clarifying this course offering for the future.