Posted on Feb 20, 1998

January 28, 1998

Members present: Professors L. Stanhope (Chair), S. Gmelch, S.
Greenberg, S. Leavitt, B. MacDonald, F. Milillo, J. Schmee; Student S. Carrier.

Ex Officio: L. Cool, Dean of Faculty

D. Hannay, Acting Dean of Engineering

B. Lewis, Assoc. Dean, Undergrad. Educ.

C. Sorum, Dean of Arts & Sciences

Guest: J. Douglass Klein

1. The minutes of Jan. 21, 1998 were approved.

2. The charge to the ad hoc Subcouncil on Tenure Line Allocation was
revised and approved unanimously.

Members will be:

Felmon Davis – Division I

Eshragh Motahar – Division II

Charles Scaife – Division III

Paul Gremillion – Division IV

Linda Stanhope – Chair of AAC

Christie Sorum – Dean of Arts & Sciences, ex officio

3. Jim McCord has agreed to serve as temporary replacement for Harry
Marten on the Committee on Academic Standing.

4. Doug Klein reported on the activities of the Subcouncil on Academic
Computing and to request that it become a standing Subcouncil. After considerable debate,
the AAC agreed to create a standing subcouncil. A proposal will be brought to the AAC next

5. A straw ballot on the calendar was discussed. It was moved and passed
that the ballot be sent to the faculty.