Posted on Feb 27, 1998

A tradition returns to campus on Friday, March 6, with the rededication of W2UC, Union's amateur radio station, at 5:30 p.m. in Science and Engineering N106.

The station will be rededicated in memory of Ted Goble, professor of physics who was active in amateur radio most of his life and a strong leader of W2UC.
Prof. Goble's widow, Ethel, is to attend the ceremony. The station will be in operation during the rededication, with demonstrations of various forms of amateur communication.

The historical record of W2UC is a bit sketchy, but there is little doubt that the static-filled transmissions from the likes of Steinmetz nearly a century
ago were among the first amateur radio experiments in the country. Station operation has
been limited the past decade, when equipment was housed at the Schenectady Museum.

Brian Macherone, senior computer systems consultant at Union, was
instrumental in bringing the newest incarnation of W2UC back to campus and on the air in
December. Among the station's first experiments, they received a signal from a
replica of Sputnik, which was launched from the Mir space station in commemoration of the
satellite's 40th anniversary.

“Amateur radio is many things to many people,” Macherone said.
“To some, it represents public service, providing aid to disaster victims and
communications when traditional means fail. (The station has emergency power.) To others
it is an opportunity for international cultural contacts. Others prefer the cutting edge
of technology, speaking with space-based stations such as Mir or the shuttle crew.”

The station will serve as a focus for academic, cultural and public
service activities, Macherone said, adding it is not an activity for engineering students
only. “The station will be the voice of Union College around the globe and into space
as well as a point of contact for the many licensed amateur radio operators in the ranks
of Union's alumni.”

Station trustee is Robert Leiden '70. Licensed faculty include
William Fairchild, James Hedrick (advisor) and George Williams. A number of students and
faculty are in various stages of the licensing process.

Regular meetings of W2UC are scheduled for Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. at the
station. Drop-ins are welcome. For more information about W2UC, visit the Web site at http//