In preparation for a month-long spring term program called
“Dialogues on Race,” the Multicultual Advisory Group (MAG), with Student Forum and Peer Facilitators, are soliciting personal accounts of racial experiences on campus from all members of the campus community.
Written narratives, which may be submitted anonymously, will be read aloud during Student Forum's town meeting in April. Dialogues during and after the
town meeting will aim to address issues of difference and to work toward building a more
diverse community at Union.
Submissions are due by March 11 and may be sent to MAG in care of
Associate Dean of Students Trish Williams, 306 Reamer. Prof. Linda Patrik, chair of MAG,
is co-director of the program.
For two weeks after the initial town meeting, Peer Facilitators will
assist in establishing smaller discussion groups for students. Faculty and staff also will
meet for discussions. The culmination of the project will be a campus-wide meeting to
discuss the question, “What can we do on campus to make this a more diverse
place?” Williams said.
“That Student Forum, MAG and Peer Facilitators are so involved is
wonderful,” said Williams. “They have taken the ball and run with it. This is a
student-driven project, and that will make it successful.”