Posted on Mar 6, 1998

Visitors to the College's Web site this week can take 360-degree panoramic “virtual tours” of five building interiors – the Nott Memorial, Memorial Chapel, Achilles Rink, Alumni Gym and the pool.

Viewers can point to the photos and get 360-degree and zoom views of the
building interiors, said Saul Morse, Web coordinator, who has developed the new sites. The
“virtual tour” is viewable on Netscape 3.0 and later versions and Internet
Explorer 4.0 and later, Morse noted.

Exterior panoramas will be added in the spring, he said. More interior
views will be added as well.

Among other recent additions, a scrolling billboard of upcoming events
and items of interest was added to the main page about two weeks ago. Items, which scroll
up from the bottom left of the page are refreshed twice weekly. “We hope this sends
people to places on our Web site that they would not normally find,” Morse said.

The College's Web Policy Board, a nine-member body of students,
faculty and staff, are in the midst of redesigning the hierarchy of the site. “We are
trying to make it so that it can grow as use of the Internet grows on campus,” Morse

The site is at