Posted on Mar 13, 1998

“A Conversation with Serge and Beate Klarsfeld.”

Sunday, March 15, 8:15 p.m.,

Memorial Chapel


Drancy: A Concentration Camp in Paris, 1941 to 1944 (film)

March 19, 8 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium

With Shelly Shapiro of Holocaust Survivors and Friends Education Center;
and Max Kowler, a French resistance fighter. Drancy chronicles the deportation of
French Jews during Nazi occupation.


“Personal Remembrances of the Holocaust” and Au Revoir
Les Enfants
(film) with Ernest Nives, a Holocaust survivor

March 30, 7 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium


Pour Memoire (film)

April 2, 8 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium

Film and discussion includes American premiere of Pour Memoire, a
documentary on the work of the Klarsfelds. Discussion will be led by Shelly Shapiro of
Holocaust Survivors and Friends Education Center.


“Resistance: Then and Now” with Judy Goldstein, founder of
Humanity in Action — Resistance and Human Rights.

April 5, 8 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium

Goldstein's talk will focus on the Danish resistance to Nazi


“Vichy France and the Jews: After Fifteen Years” with
Michael Marrus, author of Vichy France and the Jews

April 8, 8 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium

Marrus, professor of history at the University of Toronto, looks at the
role of Vichy in the European-wide persecution and murder of Jews.


“Of Light Amidst the Darkness: The Danish Rescue”

April 14, 8 p.m.

The Nott Memorial

Gallery talk with artist Judith Ellis Glickman.


“Ben-Gurion, Roosevelt and the Holocaust” with Prof.
Stephen Berk

April 20, 8 p.m.

Reamer Campus Center Auditorium

Berk, the Florence B. Sherwood Professor of History and Culture at
Union, examines the role of the decent bystanders of the Holocaust.


Yom HaShoah: Day of Remembrance

April 23, 8 p.m.

Memorial Chapel

Services will memorialize Holocaust victims; will include a candlelight
vigil and remarks by Prof. Stephen Berk.