Posted on May 15, 1998

May 1, 1998

1. The minutes of April 22, 1998 were approved.

2. Brad Lewis presented a revision of the policy on practica. The AAC
approved the practica allowing up to two course credits in practica (1/3 credit for each
term's practica – the current guideline) without an accompanying recitation
course. The new catalogue descriptions are attached. The burden of registering a practica
for credit is on the student; the Performing Arts department will be asked to ensure that
students are repeatedly notified of the policy.

3. The proposal of the Committee on Liberal Arts & Technology was
referred for discussion to the Freshman Preceptors and to the GenEd Board. Dean Lewis will
report back to the AAC.

4. Seth Carrier reported on the Union Scholars Program. The students in
the program have asked for an emphasis on continuity for the group after the freshman
year. This might include a seminar in subsequent years, a weekly discussion, or weekly
meal. They also would like greater visibility on campus for the program. Other suggestions
include upperclassmen to mentor new Scholars, to make more explicit the expectations for
the sophomore independent study, to note U.C.S. on the commencement program, and to invite
faculty members to present for discussion their areas of research to the scholars during
the junior or senior year. The suggestions were referred to the Academic Vice President.

5. Linda Stanhope reported for the Subcouncil on Tenure Line Allocation
that data collection has been slower than expected and thus will not be able to submit a
completed report to the AAC for adequate consideration. Consequently, the AAC will receive
the report during the summer and discuss it in September so that those departments to
which lines are allocated can begin their searches in the fall term.

6. The Subcouncil on the Calendar reported on their progress. There are
still many constituencies that must be consulted. Furthermore, membership on the
subcouncil should be broadened.