Posted on May 22, 1998

The Faculty Executive Committee has received the following nominations
for at-large positions on standing committees.

They are:

— Secretary of Faculty: Cliff Brown

— AAC at large (2 positions open): Hilary Tann, Ibon Izurieta,
Barbara Danowski, Andy Feffer

— FRB: Dave Hannay, Kimmo Rosenthal

— Faculty Appeals: Bob Baker

— Faculty Appeals Alternate: Mark Toher

— Trustees, Center 1: Anton Warde

Faculty may make further nominations up to or at the last general
faculty meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 12:20 to 1:20 p.m., in the Reamer Campus Center
Auditorium. Faculty will decide whether to vote during the meeting or by mail ballot.

The agenda will include the following:

a) Request for faculty approval that degrees be granted to students who
have fulfilled the requirements of graduation.

b) Call for further nominations for At-large positions.

c) Motion for vote, during the meeting, or by mail.

d) Report from Admissions, with profile of next year's freshman