Posted on Sep 25, 1998

Sept. 11, 1998

1. The minutes of June 3, 1998 were reviewed and approved

2. A memorandum on the procedure for course approvals was
distributed and will be discussed on Monday.

3. The AAC will meet Mondays 12:15-1:20 p.m.

4. The report of the Subcouncil on Tenure Line Allocation
was distributed and will be discussed on Monday. It will be distributed to department
chairs and the senior staff.

5. The second draft of the calendar proposal will begin to
be discussed in the second week. The Subcouncil on the Calendar that worked during the
summer will present its work at that time. The AAC discussed a timetable for calendar
issue. The goal is to bring a formal proposal to the College community in October with
ample time for discussion and then to hold a faculty vote by the end of this term.

6. Linda Stanhope was unanimously elected chair for a
second term.

7. Josh Mondlick asked that the issue of problems created
by the common lunch hour be discussed.

8. Seth Greenberg asked that the AAC look at the issue of
retirements and hiring in the coming years in light of the shrinking number of new
Ph.D.'s, and develop a proactive stance for the College.

9. The Psychology and Anthropology self-studies should be

10. The review of the Physics curriculum requested in the
April 2, 1993 meeting of the AAC should be undertaken.