January 18, 1999
1. The minutes of Jan. 11, 1999 were approved with the change of the misprint in #1 to
read “discussion” rather than “decision.”
2. The members of the AAC wish to affirm that the purpose of sending the Calendar Study
to the Board of Trustees is purely informational. The Trustees are the only stakeholders
who do not participate in AAC deliberations and so have little information available.
3. Linda Cool distributed a revised version of the Calendar Study. Various suggestions
were made for further emendations.
4. Alex Militello questioned policies concerning summer internships. Brad Lewis replied
that if an internship is paid, the student may not receive academic credit. If it is
unpaid and under the aegis of a Union faculty member, the student must pay an enrollment
fee in order to receive academic credit.
5. Josh Mondlick asked that a presentation of problems arising from the common lunch
hour be put on the agenda. It will be discussed on Feb. 1.