January 4, 1999
1. Linda Stanhope welcomed our new member, Alex Militello '01.
2. The minutes of Nov. 9, 1998 were approved.
3. The procedures for the upcoming external review of the Sociology Department were
discussed. The letters of concern from the senior department members written to the Deans
and the chair of the AAC will be distributed to the AAC, and their concerns will be part
of the discussion when the chair of the Sociology Department presents the departmental
discussion of the report to the AAC.
4. Linda Cool presented material on the calendar including a proposed schedule and a
compilation of “pros and cons.” This material will be read by two faculty not on
the AAC, one who is in favor of the trimester and one who is in favor of a semester. The
material will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees, and Dean Cool will report back a sense
of the Board. Following the Board's decision, the AAC will distribute the report to
the community. The Council members will review the material before the next meeting.