Posted on Feb 5, 1999

Brenda Wineapple, Washington Irving Professor of Modern Literary and Historical
Studies, is co-author, with Catharine Stimpson, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences at New York University, of an article “An Icon Is an Icon Is a Challenge to
Teach” in the Jan. 22 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education. The piece
examines the challenging complexities of teaching students about an icon such as Gertrude

Pilar Moyano, associate professor of Spanish, is author of “Reconstruyendo
el pasado y el presente: revisión/subversión de mitos en la orba de la poeta
nicaraguenese Daisy Zemora”
in De la catedral al rascacieolos. Actas de la
XVII Asamblea General de ALDEEU,
Rafael Corbalán, Gerardo Pina y Nicolás Toscano,
editors. She also delivered a paper, “La mujer centroamericana y su identidad
frente a los cambios políticos de poder”
at the 18th annual meeting in Madrid of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and