Posted on Feb 12, 1999

Feb. 1, 1999

1. The minutes of Jan. 25, 1999 were approved.

2. The AAC heard a presentation by Josh Mondlick on the problems associated with the
common lunch hour. Many students attended. According to the data presented, because of the
common lunch hour, by 12:45 p.m. there is not sufficient seating available in the
Upperclass Dining Room to meet the student demand. Currently, there are 310 students
needing seating; prior to the schedule change there were 270 students. Josh proposed a new
scheduling system that would allow for two meeting times on Tuesday and Thursday, each two
hours and fifteen minutes long. The Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule would revert to the
pre-common lunch hour. Considerable discussion ensued. Student visitors to the AAC spoke
in favor of this change. The AAC will continue the discussion at its next meeting.

3. Linda Stanhope reported that President Hull had assured her that he had not made the
statement attributed to him in Concordiensis that if the Board of Trustees decides
that it will not entertain any formal proposals concerning the calendar change, “the
idea will be killed and that will be the end of it.”