Posted on Feb 12, 1999

Four of Union's anthropology faculty gave papers at the recent annual
meetings of the American Anthropological Association. Karen Brison's paper,
“Encoding Tradition in Discourse in a Fijian Funeral” was in a session called
“Meetings in Context: Metadiscourse, Genre, and Social Action.” George
paper “One Generation of Change in the Culture of Professional
Baseball,” was in a session on the culture of sport. Steve Leavitt's paper
“'We Are Not Straight:' Bumbita Arapesh Strategies for Self-Reflection in
the Face of Western Superiority” was in a session called “Humiliation and
Transformation: Emotion, Subjectivity, and Modernity in Melanesia.” Estellie
research professor, was the discussant in a session on changing patterns of