March 8, 1999
1. The minutes of March 1, 1999 were approved as corrected.
2. The chairs' responses to the memo on the common lunch hour were discussed. It
was pointed out that the “Late Morning Common Hour” system does not allow
sufficient time for lab setup. Linda Stanhope urged us to consider a compromise. It was
moved and seconded that the staggered lunchtime be implemented and that it be reviewed in
Fall 2000. This was approved unanimously.
Staggered Lunchtime System
This system involves only small changes to the current system; it moves MWF afternoon
classes to 1:40 p.m. but makes no other significant changes in the schedule. It uses an
unusual method of dividing students into two groups for lunch; the 10:55 a.m. to noon
“period” would in fact be two periods, one meeting from 10:55 to noon and the
other meeting 11:10 to 12:15. Students would therefore arrive at the lunch facilities in
two groups rather than one, reducing congestion. Its main advantage is that it involves
very few changes to the current system; its main disadvantage is the unfamiliarity of the
staggered class period.
Common: MTWTh 12:25-1:30
MWF 8:25-9:30, 9:40-10:45, 1:40-2:45, 2:55-4:00
MWF Staggered: Either 10:55-12:00 or 11:10-12:15
TTh 9:15-11:05, 1:40-3:30
TTh 11:15-12:20 and F 12:25-1:30
MWF 1:40-4:30
TTh 8:15-11:05 and 1:40-4:30
X hours:
TTh 8:15-9:05, 3:40-4:30
MWF 4:10-5:00
The AAC will send a memo to all chairs concerning the allocation of classes on the new