Posted on Apr 2, 1999

Nine faculty members are being considered for reappointment this

Members of the campus community may offer written or oral testimony to committee
members. Candidates and their committees are:

Paul Gremillion, assistant professor of civil engineering: Thomas Jewell, committee
chair; Phillip Snow and John Garver.

Hyungji Park, assistant professor of English: Bonney MacDonald, chair; Jordan Smith,
Peter Heinegg, Brenda Wineapple, Harry Marten and Ruth Stevenson.

Presha Neidermeyer, assistant professor, Graduate Management Institute: Don Arnold,
committee chair; Alan Bowman, Josef Schmee and Rudy Nydegger.

Sarah Henry, assistant professor of history: Robert Wells, chair; Mark Walker and
Teresa Meade.

Davide Cervone, assistant professor of mathematics: Kimmo Rosenthal, chair; Michael
Frame and Karl Zimmermann.

William Keat, assistant professor of mechanical engineering: Richard Wilk, chair;
Ronald Bucinell, J. Richard Shanebrook and Frank Wicks.

Dianne McMullen, assistant professor of performing arts: Hilary Tann, chair; Barry
Smith and Anton Warde.

Richard Fox, assistant professor of political science: Terry Weiner, chair; Clifford
Brown and James Underwood.

Charlotte Eyerman, assistant professor of visual arts: Chris Duncan, chair; Walter
Hatke, Louisa Matthew and Ruth Stevenson.