Nine faculty members are being considered for reappointment this
Members of the campus community may offer written or oral testimony to committee
members. Candidates and their committees are:
Paul Gremillion, assistant professor of civil engineering: Thomas Jewell, committee
chair; Phillip Snow and John Garver.
Hyungji Park, assistant professor of English: Bonney MacDonald, chair; Jordan Smith,
Peter Heinegg, Brenda Wineapple, Harry Marten and Ruth Stevenson.
Presha Neidermeyer, assistant professor, Graduate Management Institute: Don Arnold,
committee chair; Alan Bowman, Josef Schmee and Rudy Nydegger.
Sarah Henry, assistant professor of history: Robert Wells, chair; Mark Walker and
Teresa Meade.
Davide Cervone, assistant professor of mathematics: Kimmo Rosenthal, chair; Michael
Frame and Karl Zimmermann.
William Keat, assistant professor of mechanical engineering: Richard Wilk, chair;
Ronald Bucinell, J. Richard Shanebrook and Frank Wicks.
Dianne McMullen, assistant professor of performing arts: Hilary Tann, chair; Barry
Smith and Anton Warde.
Richard Fox, assistant professor of political science: Terry Weiner, chair; Clifford
Brown and James Underwood.
Charlotte Eyerman, assistant professor of visual arts: Chris Duncan, chair; Walter
Hatke, Louisa Matthew and Ruth Stevenson.