Jay Newman, Gordon Gould Professor of Physics, was elected
member-at-large of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society's
Executive Committee.
A. G. Davis Philip, Research Professor of Physics, and Mark Kostuk '01
spent a week this spring studying some of the oldest stars in our galaxy, belonging to the
Globular Clusters, at the Vatican Observatory in New Mexico.
Grant E. Brown, assistant professor of biology, is co-author with
Jean-Guy J. Godin of an article, “Who dares, learns: chemical inspection behaviour
and acquired predator recognition in a characin fish,” in the journal, Animal
Behaviour, 57: 475-481. Brown and Godin also have written “Chemical alarm signals
in Trinidadian guppies: laboratory and field evidence,” accepted for publication in Canadian
Journal of Zoology. They also have written, with Jessica Pederson '99, “Fin
flicking behaviour: a visual anti-predator alarm signal in a characin fish (Hemigrammus
erythrozonus)” to appear in Animal Behaviour.