April 19, 1999
1. The minutes of April 12 were approved.
2. The courses brought forward by Courses and Programs were approved as well as the
changes in the Computer Science Minor and the Political Science major. In addition, the
changed requirements for the honors program in Political Science were approved.
3. A timetable for the calendar proposal was discussed. Meetings will be held with the
Divisions and the Student Forum in September in order to discuss the “Calendar
Discussion” document distributed during the Winter Term to students and faculty. The
“Calendar Discussion” document is available in the Library, the Mail Room and on
the web at: http://www.union.edu/Academics/AcademicAffairs/Committees/AAC/Calendar
A memo will be sent to the faculty and students prior to this meeting to request
suggestions for issues to be addressed in a final proposal. Points raised during these
discussions will then be used to shape the proposal that will be drafted during the Fall
Term and submitted to faculty and students. A second round of discussions will be held to
consider the proposal itself. A vote will be taken following this. A subcouncil which will
include members of the current AAC will be appointed to formulate the proposal.
4. Discussion of GMI 200 was reopened. Linda Cool pointed out that this is the kind of
course that can benefit liberal arts students in their future careers. Other members
expressed concerns about weakening a liberal arts curriculum with “professional”
courses. The course proposal was again tabled.
April 30, 1999
1. Minutes of April 19 approved.
2. The discussion of GMI 200 was renewed. It was suggested that the course be limited
to just seniors rather than juniors and seniors or to just five undergraduates. The motion
to approve GMI 200 for juniors and seniors but not for sophomores was approved.
3. TAB 126A and B, “Water Resources of Sao Paulo, Brazil,” was discussed. It
was pointed out that the B version might be listed as an engineering course. A suggestion
was made to call it “International Water Resources” and the name of the
designated country, for example, “International Water Resources: Brazil.” The
TAB 126A was approved with a title change. It was moved to send TAB 126B back to
engineering for approval as an engineering course.
4. A Psychology seminar that would continue throughout the year for one course credit
was approved. The AAC asked that the course number be changed to one under 200.