Mohini Dias, adjunct professor of history from Mumbai (India)
University, has never developed her own syllabus. Instead, the university system in India
has always directed what to teach and what books to assign.
But that has changed for Dias, an exchange professor at the College this term. Dias,
chair of the history department at Jai Hind College, one of approximately 180 colleges of
the University of Mumbai, is teaching two courses at Union: “History of Modern
India” and “Colonialism, Imperialism and Nationalism in Asia.”
“It's been challenging to develop my own curriculum, but I like the sense of
freedom,” Dias says.
Dias is also enjoying the chance to get to know her students. In India, she has classes
of 80 to 100 students and it is not unusual to see 500 students in one term.
“It's a nice change to be able to get to know your students by name at
Union,” she says.
Dias's visit to Union is part of an exchange program established last term when
Sharon Gmelch, professor of anthropology, and Teresa Meade, associate professor of
history, visited the University of Mumbai.