Last Monday, after the final talk in the series on town-gown relations,
Schenectady Mayor Al Jurczynski and President Roger Hull visited with students at Wells
House, the community service theme house that sponsored the forum.
As often happens with students, the conversation eventually turned to food pizza
to be exact. That's when the mayor asked the students if they had ever tried a Polish
pizza from Our Original Pizzeria in his neighborhood, Mont Pleasant.
No, they said, but they'd like to.
So, last Sunday night just before the 10 p.m. house meeting at Wells House, there was a
knock on the door, and in came two large Polish pizzas with the works sauer kraut,
cheese and kielbasa from Our Original Pizzeria, delivered by none other than the
mayor himself.
The mayor not only picked up the tab, but declined a tip, says Ed Lallier, Wells House
member. “He made a cameo and left.”