Posted on Nov 5, 1999

Through Nov. 7.

Yulman Theater.

Antigone presented by

Performing Arts. Shows at 8 p.m. except Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets

$7 ($5 for students and seniors). For information, call ext. 6545.

Friday, Nov. 5, through Monday Nov. 8, 8 and 10 p.m.

Reamer Auditorium.

Film committee presents Runaway Bride.

Saturday, Nov. 6, 8 p.m.

Memorial Chapel.

Union College Orchestra, Hilary Tann directing, presents “Fall for

Beethoven,” a program to include Overture 2000 by Gwyneth

Walker; Flute Concerto by Dimitrij Kabalevsky with flute soloist

Alexa Papazian '00; and Symphony V in C Minor by Beethoven.

Monday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m.

Mandeville Gallery, Nott Memorial.

“Nursery Rhymes and Children's Poetry,” readings and discussion

with Millicent Lenz, teacher of children's literature at the Library

School of the University at Albany. In conjunction with exhibit of antique

toys from the Schenectady Museum.

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1:30 p.m.

Yulman Theater.

Writer/director Murray Horwitz on “The Triumph of Marketing.”

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m.

Humanities 019.

Chinese film series presents Rouge (1987).

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 8 p.m.

Reamer Auditorium.

Union College Jazz Ensemble, Tim Olsen directing, performs standards by

Scott Joplin, Miles Davis and Wayne Shorter as well as student works.

Thursday, Nov. 11.

Admissions Open House.

Through Dec. 3.

Arts Atrium.

“Fields and Streets,” an exhibition of mezzotint prints and

pastels by artist Peter Jogo.

Through Dec. 19.

Mandeville Gallery, Nott Memorial.

Exhibit of antique toys from Schenectady Museum.