The National Endowment for the Humanities has
awarded a three-year grant of $181,500 to Robert Baker, professor of
philosophy, and a colleague, Laurence B. McCullough of Baylor College of
Medicine, in support of their project, “A History of Medical
The award, one of 40 collaborations funded by NEH's
Humanities Research Division, supports an international conference
involving the 57 scholars.
“A History of Medical Ethics,” a comprehensive
925-page, one-volume history, is to be published by Cambridge University
Press in 2002. Supplementing the 21 chapters will be short accounts of
major biomedical ethics texts, short biographies of major figures,
extensive bibliographies and indices of both names and subjects.
The project involves experts from Africa, Asia, the
Middle East, Europe, and North and South America. Among the countries
represented are Argentina, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, the Netherlands, South Africa, United Kingdom
and the U.S.