International study was the “intellectual
pivot” of this year's Watson Fellowship applicants, according to
Prof. Harry Marten, co-chair of the Watson Selection Committee. “I
think it would be fair to say that the College's emphasis on
international study has really stimulated these people,” he said.
Four seniors have been chosen as finalists for the
Thomas J. Watson Traveling Fellowships, which provide full support for a
year of study abroad. They are Loralynne Krobetsky, Courtney Randall,
Kimberly Rohback and Molly Shaner. Final selection takes place in
Among all 14 who applied, the international study aspect
of Union was visible in the applications, Marten said. Though the
committee discourages students revisiting a term abroad for a Watson, the
applicants built on their international experience and in some cases
involved some of what they began on a term abroad, he said.
Krobetsky previously studied in Italy, Shaner in the
Czech Republic and Germany, Randall in London; and Rohback in Japan.
Krobetsky's proposal, “Mysticism in the Post
Modern World: The Stigmata,” would have her study the role of
stigmata in art and culture in Italy, France and Ireland. She also plans
to write a novel based on her study.
Randall has submitted a proposal titled “An
Activist Outlook on European Gay Culture.” She would like to visit
London, Paris, Vienna and Athens to observe gay culture from an activist
and literary perspective.
Rohback has proposed a fellowship study titled
“Vestiges of Mao,” a year-long trip through China to observe how
Mao is remembered 50 years after the founding the People's Republic of
Shaner has proposed “Photojournal: Fathers and
Daughters in India, Kenya and the Dominican Republic” in which she
would observe relationships among the three cultures.
Other committee members are Doug Klein (co-chair), Grant
Brown, Sharon Gmelch, Joyce Madancy, Louisa Matthew, Byron Nichols and
Andrew Wolfe.