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Faculty Discuss Policy on Ethics

Posted on Nov 5, 1999

Acting Dean of Faculty Christina Sorum said on Wednesday

she will form a committee to rewrite an introduction and procedures for

sanction to proposed text for a statement on professional ethics.

After discussion on a statement adopted by AAUP in 1995,

faculty tabled the vote pending the revision of some of the passages.

Faculty also discussed proposed text – also from AAUP

policy – for a statement on consensual relations between faculty and

staff. Faculty asked that Sorum gather examples of policies from other


In a report on admissions, Dan Lundquist, vice president

for admissions and financial aid, said the College has made “slow but

steady progress over the last decade” in improving the academic

quality of the student body.

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AAC Minutes Listed

Posted on Nov 5, 1999

Oct. 25, 1999

1. The minutes of Oct. 18 meeting were approved.

2. A discussion continued on tenure line allocation. A

vote was taken and, as a result, the AAC will recommend to the

Administration that a minority tenure line be added to the Visual Arts


3. The committee discussed the Pass/Fail option for

students receiving credit for internships.

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Chemistry Club Cited by ACS

Posted on Nov 5, 1999

The Chemistry Club has been recognized as an Outstanding

Student Affiliates Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS), based

on its 1998-99 activities.

This is the highest recognition level; only 28 schools

nationwide received this honor. The award will be presented at the 219th

ACS National Meeting in San Francisco in the spring.

This marks the sixth year in a row that Union's

Chemistry Club has received recognition at the Outstanding or Commendable

level from the national ACS.

Professors Mary Carroll and Michael Hagerman are


Chemistry Club officers for the 1998-99 year were::

Henry Michtalik '00, president (now at Albany Medical


Charity McManaman '99, and Ji LaRose '99, vice

presidents (both of whom received National Institutes of Health

postbaccalaureate fellowships and are performing research at the NIH);

Jason Shames '01 and Scott Dicks '01, treasurers

(continuing as treasurers for 1999-2000);

Julia Barkin '00, and Sofia Mazo '01, secretaries

(now president and vice president, respectively.

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Architects Honor Olin Design

Posted on Nov 5, 1999

The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the American

Institute of Architects on Friday presented the honor award for design of

the F.W. Olin Center to the Kostecky Group of Wormleysburg, Pa.

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United Way Drive is Under Way

Posted on Nov 5, 1999

Organizers of the College's United Way campaign

are aiming to top the 60 percent mark for campus participation.

“This is an attainable goal, but we need help to do

it,” said Kathy McCann, a campus coordinator for the drive.

Between the 1996 to 1998 campaign we had a participation

rate increase of 19 percent, McCann said. Last year's participation rate

was 56 percent, with College employees pledging than $38,000 to the United


The campaign runs through November.

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