Posted on Jan 14, 2000

Seth Greenberg, Gilbert R.
Livingston Professor of Psychology, Kathryn Johnson '00 and David
Payne of Binghamton University presented a paper “Is contextual
relevancy relevant to false memories?” at the annual meeting of the
Psychonomic Society in Los Angeles. The paper, based on Johnson's
thesis, investigates how personal relevancy of a situation affects a
person's recall of situational details. The results suggested that one's
familiarity with a situation reduced the tendency to make false

John Garver, associate
professor of geology, delivered a paper titled “Detrital Fisson-Track
Thermochronology Applied to Sedimentary Provenance Studies” at the
recent annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. He was
co-author of another presentation, “A Test of Detrital Fission-Track
Analysis of Modern River Sediments for Provenance and Exhumation Studies
in the European Alps.”