Posted on Jan 14, 2000

The students have spoken and the vehicle known as
the trolley has a name: “Nott a Bus.”

The selection follows a thorough solicitation of
nominations and thoughtful consideration by the Student Forum.

There were other suggested names, we're told, not all
of which would meet generally-accepted standards of taste.

“Nott a Bus” is making scheduled rounds to
nearby neighborhoods and to local shopping. Schedules are available in
Reamer Campus Center.

For students who live along the route, Campus Safety is
outfitting off-campus College properties with devices that can make porch
(or other) lights blink to alert the driver of “Nott a Bus” that
persons inside would like a ride.

Sort of like Paul Revere getting his signal from the Old
North Church.

The devices also are available to students in
non-College properties for a minimal deposit.