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Automated Dynamics provides gift for Union College composite laboratory upgrade

Posted on Jan 8, 2000

Automated Dynamics (AD), a Schenectady-based manufacturer of automated fiber placement equipment and advanced composite structures, has contributed $70,000 to Union College to support the upgrade of the College's composites laboratory. The gift, the largest by a private business to the laboratory, will be paid over a five year period and will offset costs associated with improving existing equipment and adding to the College's inventory of specialized equipment for composite work.

“Automated Dynamics and Union College have established a strong partnership; this gift will serve to enhance what is already a great relationship,” said James Mondo, Automated Dynamics' president. “We have benefitted tremendously from the College's expertise, both at the faculty and student intern levels, and we look forward to a productive future.”

Union assists in the research and development activities of the company, according to Mondo. “From design to testing to joint proposal development, we're working closely with Union to secure R&D contracts from government and industry,” he added.

AD and Union recently landed a contract with NASA to develop and manufacture thermoplastic composite feed lines for the BANTAM X reusable launch vehicle program. The feed lines are used to transport liquid oxygen and hydrogen to the main engines at cryogenic temperatures. The feed lines are also being used to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the use of thermoplastic composite materials on all of the reusable launch vehicle programs.

“This gift will ensure that our labs keep pace with change and that we can handle what today's students – and businesses – demand,” said Ron Bucinell, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Union. “Our work with AD represents the College's commitment to establish partnerships that support the revitalization of Schenectady.”

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Fleet supports community center, again

Posted on Jan 7, 2000

Fleet Financial Group has contributed $20,000 to the College to support the Ralph and Marjorie Kenney Center, President Roger H. Hull announced. The gift adds to a $15,000 donation made by Fleet to the Center in February of this year.

“The Ralph and Marjorie Kenney Center will play a vital role in the revitalization of the College Park neighborhood,” Hull said. “Fleet's on-going support demonstrates its commitment to this important initiative, and to the belief that individuals and institutions alike have an obligation to make a difference in the communities in which they are a part.”

The center, named in memory of 1929 Union graduate Ralph Kenney (recognizing a $1 million gift from Marjorie Kenney in June), will feature health/wellness workshops and youth programs sponsored by Ellis and St. Clare's hospitals and Schenectady-based Girls Inc. of the Greater Capital Region. The Center will also include a homework center and skills development program, which links Union student mentors with children from the Van Corlaer Elementary School to help them prepare for the New York State Pupil Assessment Tests. Fleet funds will be used to supply the center with computers and other technology, furnishings and recreation equipment.

“Fleet is pleased to support Union College and the Kenney Center,” said Herm Ames, president of Fleet Bank Upstate. “Providing a resource center that can be accessed by the entire community is going to have a positive impact on the neighborhood. We are proud to play a role in making these services and programs available to the College Park neighborhood.”

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Volunteers Sought for Hospice

Posted on Jan 7, 2000

Community Hospice of Schenectady, which provides support
to dying patients and their families, has scheduled volunteer training for
faculty, staff and students from Union College.

Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays (Jan. 25 through
Feb. 17) from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Bailey Hall 102.

Orientation and interviews will be at the Hospice Office
(1411 Union St.) on Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 6:30 p.m. Transportation will be
provided for those who need it.

All members of the campus community are welcome to
participate. Karen Williams, counselor in health professions, says that
many students, faculty and staff who have volunteered in the past have
found it to be a truly rewarding experience.

To register or for more information, call Sharon Hext at
Hospice at 377-8846.

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AAC Minutes Listed

Posted on Jan 7, 2000

Nov. 8, 1999

1. The minutes of the Nov. 1, 1999 meeting were
corrected and approved.

2. Student credit for internships was discussed.

3. Actions of the Subcouncil on Courses and Programs
were presented and approved except for AMU 037 — Music of India, which
needs additional information.

4. Athletic practice time demand was discussed.
Additional information will be requested from the Director of Athletics.

5. Dean Christie Sorum reported on the Institutional
Studies database and the Policy on Learning Disabilities.

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Help Available for Job Problems

Posted on Jan 7, 2000

Do you know what an ombudsperson is?

The ombudsperson is available to counsel employees on
the appropriate steps they can take to resolve problems they encounter in
job situations. All conversations are held strictly confidential.

For more information, contact Union College Ombudsman
Tim Porter at ext. 6441.

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