Those of us in the Office of Communications seem to have
a knack for picking the coldest, windiest times to walk down to campus
from our building at 69 Union Ave.
So it was especially welcome news to us when a “Webcam”
was announced. It would be great, we thought, to click on the Webcam and
check the flag by the Nott to see how strong the west wind is blowing.
Sort of like our own version of the Weather Channel.
Problem is, we can't get the image in our building.
Thanks to Gregg Roth of OCS who (with Saul Morse, our
former Webmaster) got the Webcam going last weekend, we received some JPEG
images to see how the weather on campus looks.
We're working on the problem, but until we get it
fixed, feel free to send an occasional image to those of us on the east
side. And tell us about the weather.