Posted on Mar 31, 2000

March 6, 2000

1. The minutes of Feb. 28 meeting were corrected and

2. The AAC discussed mid-term grades and drop date
policy. These issues were tabled until the committee could examine the
mid-term grade report and the AOP form.

3. The committee discussed the memo to faculty regarding
internships and independent study. This memo will also be available on the
CDC Web site.

4. The committee reviewed the schedule and procedures
for the calendar proposal and vote.

5. The AAC voted not to discuss the concept of a
“dead week” until the semester system issue has been decided.

6. Danette Slevinski reported on the Student Forum
response to the proposed pass/fail policy. In particular, the committee
discussed but did not approve Brooke Barylick's amendment to allow two
pass/fail courses in one term. The proposal was revised to include a
re-evaluation in the fall of 2001 to consider the amendment.