Posted on Mar 31, 2000

Thirteen members of the faculty will be considered
for reappointment this Spring.

Member of the campus community wishing to offer written
or oral testimony should contact a member of the appropriate Reappointment
Review Committee, listed after each.

Grant Brown, assistant
professor of biology: Robert Olberg, committee chair; Leo Fleishman;
Peter Tobiessen.

David Cotter, assistant
professor of sociology: Ilene Kaplan, chair; Martha Huggins; Therese

William Finlay, associate
professor of theater: Charles Steckler, chair; Pilar Moyano; James

Michael Hagerman, assistant
professor of chemistry: David Hayes, chair; Janet Anderson; Mary Carroll;
John Sowa.

Ibon Izurieta, instructor of
Spanish: Victoria Martinez, chair; William Garcia; Andrew Feffer.

Christine Laplante, assistant
professor of civil engineering: Philip Snow, chair; Mohammed Mafi;
Cherrice Traver.

Robert Lauzon, assistant
professor of biology: Stephen Horton, chair; John Boyer; Barbara Danowski.

Sarah Mace, assistant
professor of classics: Mark Toher, chair; Scott Scullion; Hugh Jenkins.

Jonathan Marr, assistant
professor of physics: Seyfollah Maleki, chair; Chris Jones; James
McWhirter; Kenneth Schick.

Lori Jo Marso, assistant
professor of political science: Terry Weiner, chair; Byron Nichols;
Clifford Brown.

Timothy Olsen, assistant
professor of performing arts: Hilary Tann, chair; Chris Duncan; Kimmo

Edward Pavlic, assistant
professor of English: Bonney MacDonald, chair; Hugh Jenkins; Harry Marten;
James McCord; Carolyn Mitchell; Jordan Smith.

Andrew Wolfe, assistant
professor of civil engineering: Thomas Jewell, chair; Ashraf Ghaly; George