Posted on Sep 8, 2000

May 29, 2000 (last meeting of spring term)

1. The minutes of the May 8, 2000 meeting were approved.

2. Minutes of the Subcouncil on Courses and Programs were discussed. The following courses were approved:
FRN 138 (Women on Top: Great Women Writers and Characters of French Narrative Fiction); FRN 149/MLT42 (West African Oral Literature); FRN 139 (Identifying Desire, Desiring Identity: French and Francophone Non-narrative Literature); ATH 021 (Puppet Theater Design and Performance); ATH 19 (Introduction to Costume Design and Make-up); ATH 65 (Special Topics in Theatre); MLT 052 (Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healing); GER 174/MLT 032 (Modern Language in Translation: “Metropolis Berlin”); PHY 14 (Freshman Seminar)

3. The Committee discussed the proposed course changes to the 8- year medical curriculum. The courses were approved contingent on changing ECO 253 to MED 253.

4. The committee discussed the proposal on college credit for distance learning courses. The issue was tabled to the Fall.

5. Pass/Fail policy was discussed. A motion was passed to table this issue until the fall when Dean Sorum will distribute the pass/fail policies of other schools.

6. The committee discussed a proposal from Dean Sorum to move a tenure line from Civil Engineering to Computer Science. The AAC supported this proposal.